Join Us
We are a mixed choir from East Lancashire who meet on Wednesday evenings in Burnley to sing in 4 part harmony –
Our repertoire reflects our values.
We sing songs for fun, laughter and the joy of singing.
We sing songs about peace, equality, justice, human rights, environmentalism and internationalism and sometimes radical socialist songs.
All the songs are taught by ear.
No auditions. No need to read music.
You will always be welcome at East Lancs Clarion Choir.
Singing on Mayday at Towneley Park, Burnley
Latest News: East Lancs Clarion Choir enjoyed singing seasonal songs at the Clarion House on 22/12/24. Sue Boardman writes, "We had a wonderful seasonal sing at the Clarion yesterday. Thanks Eleanor, you're inspirational, thanks Val and Janis for non stop cups of tea. Thanks everyone for friendships and great company, mince pies and mulled wine".